This blog and the depth of knowledge it
contains provides the link between you, the
practitioner of yoga, and an experienced guide
and teacher. This link is your sadhana (spiritual
practice), the beginning of your inner transformation,
spiritual awakening and realization
of higher ideals in life.
The techniques covered in this book have
their basis in the ancient Vedic (tantric and
yogic) shastras and were handed down over
the centuries from guru to disciple until they
reached the late great Swami Sivananda
Saraswati of Rishikesh, who further passed
them on to his disciple, Swami Satyananda
Saraswati. Now in an age when travel and
communication have become almost instantaneous
affairs and there are more efficient
methods of disseminating wisdom than the
human voice and ear, we wish to offer these
transcendental instruments of grace to all who
have eyes to read and ears to hear.
The original text was compiled from teachings
given by Swami Satyananda to his closest
disciples for the ultimate benefit of mankind.
According to tradition many of the practices of
yoga, especially the advanced practices of kriya
yoga, were kept secret and passed on by word
of mouth only between guru and disciple.
However, modern man in his intense search
for an underlying meaning in life has now
come to a point of evolution where he is ready
to integrate the practices of yoga both physically
and spiritually. There is more guidance
available also to help him understand and
practise the more advanced techniques.
This book is our effort to keep this valuable
tradition alive and to spread the message of
yoga further into your homes and into your
inner being. It is a complete work on yoga - a
complete course in the practices of integral
yoga. It presents a synthesis of the various
paths of yoga in a scientific and systematic
manner to ensure the harmonious development
and unfoldment of every aspect of the
individual. The different branches - hatha
yoga, raja yoga, mantra yoga, karma yoga,
bhakti yoga, jnana yoga and kriya yoga - are
progressively introduced with special emphasis
on practice and application in day to day life.
Through the practice of integral yoga this
book aims to develop in the aspirant a state of
perfect body health, peace of mind and mental
stability, perfect intellectual clarity and higher
spiritual knowledge and awareness, a state
where one is both useful to himself and to
mankind. It contains the essence of Swami
Satyananda's teachings and in this respect is
an ideal single source of information for both
teachers and students alike.
We have tried to present the book in such a
way as to lead one gradually and progressively
through the practices as if learning directly
from a devoted teacher. If your approach is
sincere and you follow your program regularly,
the benefits will unfold themselves into all the
different aspects of your life.
There are three main parts, divided into
thirty-six lessons, containing various topics
on both the theoretical and practical aspects
of yoga, and eventually a full exposition of the
ancient system of kriya yoga. The first book of
practices for beginners is intended to systematically
prepare the mind and body for the
more advanced practices in Book II and
eventually to the higher practices of kriya yoga
in Book III. The ultimate aim is to progressively
lead you step by step through the
different techniques so that by the end of this
sadhana course you will have an integrated
approach and a full theoretical understanding
of kriya yoga, as well as many other facets of
We are not interested in formulating a perfect
philosophical system which bears no practical
significance or relationship with daily life. In
the form of discussions we have presented the
theoretical side of the different paths of yoga
to act as a guideline and inspiration to help you to change and improve your life at all
levels. These discussions are intended to open
your eyes to certain aspects that perhaps you
were blind to before in this most incredible
world around us, above us and beyond us.
Words at best only serve as a guide; they can
never give the experience by themselves. The
means are the practical techniques of yoga,
using words as a method of communication.
The integration of both the theory and
practice of yoga is the means of developing a
new and simpler outlook on life and its
seemingly complex patterns, i.e. a new consciousness.
Each person is a unit consisting of
body, mind and consciousness. Most evolutionary
systems tackle one of these aspects
and ignore or deny the other aspects. It is with
this in mind that this book, an integral approach
to yoga and life in general, is presented to you
- a sadhana from beginning to end, to enable
you to travel the inner transcendental road
towards union and harmony.
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