The following skeleton list gives an idea of the
practices which will be covered. Obviously it
cannot include everything contained in the
book, as this would take up too much space. Body cleansing: various systems for purifying
the body; these will include practices such as
neti, basti, kunjal, dhauti and shankhaprakshalana,
plus such techniques as amaroli, diet
and other natural healing methods.
Asanas-, large numbers of asanas are included
from pawanmuktasana, pre-meditational,
meditational, forward bending, backward
bending, spinal twist, relaxation, balancing,
inverted, dynamic and advanced groups. Full
information will be given on the limitations,
benefits, counterposes and background of
each practice.
Pranayama: all the important forms will be
fully described, including nadi shodhana, bhastrika,
kapalbhati, ujjayi, etc., as well as other
aspects of prana control.
Mudras and bandhas: there are a hundred
mudras. We will concern ourselves only with
those most useful and which relate to kriya
yoga. Among others shambhavi, khechari,
vajroli, yoga, maha, naumukhi and hand
mudras will be covered as well as the different
aspects of all the bandhas.
Meditational practices: we intend to work
through the most practical meditational
practices and systematically introduce them
so that you can simultaneously practise them
for yourself. The practices will include ajapa
japa, nada yoga, antar mouna, simple and
complex mantrajapa, trataka, yoga nidra, kriya
yoga and more.
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